I’m Sherry, your personal guide and cheerleader on this solo travel adventure.

As someone who has experienced the highs and lows of exploring this beautiful world on my own, I created Simple Solo Travel to empower you to embrace your wanderlust and live life to the fullest, even when you’re on your own.

When I first started traveling alone, I was unsure of what to expect. Would I feel lonely? Unsafe? Overwhelmed?

As it turns out, solo travel is one of the most rewarding and fulfilling experiences you can have. Why?

Let me tell you:

  1. Freedom: When you’re traveling solo, you’re the boss! You can plan your days exactly as you want without having to compromise or accommodate others’ preferences.
  2. Personal growth: Solo travel pushes you out of your comfort zone, which can lead to incredible personal growth and self-discovery.
  3. Connection: When you’re on your own, you’re more likely to strike up conversations and connect with locals and fellow travelers – making lasting memories and friendships.

My Personal Solo Travel Experiences and Advice

Find Your Travel Style

One of the most important things I’ve learned on my solo travel journey is to discover my travel style. Am I a thrill-seeker, or do I prefer slow and steady exploration?

Am I a budget backpacker, or do I want to splurge on luxury experiences?

My favorite moments have been a mix of both, like hiking to beautiful viewpoints and treating myself to a fancy meal afterward.

Navigating Safety Concerns as a Solo Traveler

Safety is a common concern when traveling alone.

Trust me, I’ve had my fair share of scary moments!

But with a bit of preparation, you can minimize risks and ensure you feel confident on your solo adventures. Here are some tips:

  1. Research your destination and learn about local customs, cultural norms, and potential safety issues.
  2. Keep loved ones informed about your whereabouts and plans.
  3. Carry a GPS or map app to avoid getting lost.

My Favorite Solo Travel Destinations

While I’ve traveled to many amazing places, there are a few destinations that stand out in my solo travel memories:

  1. Iceland: Known for its stunning landscapes, friendly locals, and low crime rates, Iceland is a solo traveler’s dream. I’ll never forget driving the Ring Road and discovering breathtaking waterfalls and other natural wonders.
  2. Vietnam: From bustling cities like Ho Chi Minh City to serene, World-Heritage listed sites like Hoi An – Vietnam offers diverse experiences and incredible food.
  3. Spain: The culture, architecture, and history of cities like Barcelona, Granada, and Seville left me in awe. Plus, the tapas are simply to die for!

Now you know a bit about me and solo travel adventures, it’s time to share my best tips and resources to help make your solo travels enjoyable and stress-free.